Homeland-as a homeland.
Who hasn't grown up exploring the woods or mountains behind the house, with the total freedom and carefreeness that comes with being focused only on discovery?
Who hasn't grown up exploring the woods or mountains behind the house, with the total freedom and carefreeness that comes with being focused only on discovery?
This area of land explored solo or with friends, each of us, has always felt it as our own, as precisely a homeland. Whether it was with a bike or with the first skis, each of us went to the small space of our own land to be at peace with the rest of the world.
Homeland is not just sports, but it is this state of mind.
This spirit unites all people who share a passion, which is not the mountains, but the soul of the mountains. The Homeland project, was created to revive these emotions that each of us treasures, from the most experienced to the least experienced sportsman. It aims to convey passion and to make anyone feel at home, even those who want to take their first steps into the mountains, because the important thing is not the competition but the desire to explore, to have fun and to get involved, all in total safety and in a controlled environment.
This spirit unites all people who share a passion, which is not the mountains, but the soul of the mountains. The Homeland project, was created to revive these emotions that each of us treasures, from the most experienced to the least experienced sportsman. It aims to convey passion and to make anyone feel at home, even those who want to take their first steps into the mountains, because the important thing is not the competition but the desire to explore, to have fun and to get involved, all in total safety and in a controlled environment.
Homeland is a motivational drive dictated by the heart, head and body that unites everyone.

I was inspired by my memories, my first adventures with my parents in the mountains back home.
The symbol represents the so-called Totems to mark the path in the mountains for hikers.
A symbol that for each of us has a different meaning.
The symbol represents the so-called Totems to mark the path in the mountains for hikers.
A symbol that for each of us has a different meaning.

